dimanche 14 septembre 2014

The Cell The Wolf & The Faith : What's inside?

What's inside?
The origins of faith the holy men & the despots. The author's right or wrong interpretation of violence and Islam.
The Thriller
An incredible insight into how an Islamic Terror Cell operating in the UK, led by a callous commander finances, recruits, exploits and delivers a series of spectacular attacks for the sake of his religion.
Unknown to the commander and his cell is that they have a rival who also wants to make a statement of his own as a Muslim Jihadist. A 'lone wolf' a teenage Muslim schoolboy, who uses the internet to covertly radicalise himself and painstakingly plot his own attack.
On a busy Saturday afternoon, the Cell and the Wolf plots unexpectedly meet when the city of London suffers spectacular carnage and the biggest terror attacks the country has ever witnessed.
As the authorities investigate and the news media report the deadly attacks and before any of the victims have been laid to rest, numerous leaks reveal a catalogue of astonishing oversights, which lead to huge embarrassment and criticism of the UK Police, Army and politicians.
The Facts
Incredible & chilling quotes in the Jihadists own words attempting to justify why they do what they do. The English translation of the Qur'anic verses the Jihadists universally use and quote to justify their violent extremist actions.
A 9/11 Hijacker Jihadists final preparations and moments. (English translation of a letter found in his luggage) A list of just some of the major terror or holy jihad attacks since 9/11/01. A detailed list of known current, and former Islamic militia groups and the regions in which they operate.

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